Who We Are

Our co-founders, Dave and Ricardo, have spent decades in both management consulting and Fortune 500 businesses. They’ve learnt valuable lessons from multiple experiences of ground-breaking success and, more importantly, heart-breaking failure. They’re comfortable working across all levels within an organisation, both with individuals and teams, and at the group and enterprise-wide level.

David Clarke
Ricardo Troiano

Dave and Ricardo approach work with radical candour, a sense of humour, and a lightness of touch. They are highly practical, relentlessly outcome focused, and love to disrupt the status quo and challenge leaders to explore the art of the possible. If things aren’t working, they will call it out, pivot, and rapidly iterate with you to get back on track.


A culture and performance consultancy that helps organisations transform and bring purpose and meaning to the workplace.

A best in class leadership assessment tool and development methodology that cataylses profound change, at an individual and team level, as well as providing Concio with access to a large global community of over 11,000 consultant operating in over 20 languages.

An independent creative agency that empowers brands to grow, tell deeper stories, and deliver more connected experiences to the world around them.

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